Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Handfuls Two. 7.16.14


Someone evaluated
this city, making note of
class conflicts, the looked ahead
for more optimistic
and then
I've reviewed and assessed
the basic situation – Love's
the only ideal answer.
Someone thinks marriage is too
akin to commodification
so she evaluates the time alone,
trying with limited success to
intermingling signs
without losing value.
Several people think love's
impossible or awful –
they stomp around instead of walking
and chew the air ferociously.
Someone notices them,
and she's too disappointed to speak.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Money Poem v. 2.5

Commercial W(h)or(e)ds

You say there's no
money in poetry:
that is generally
the case of course
but you can put
money in poems
and cash up your
so the money's the poem's,
the poem's the whore
taken from granted
the money for
poems for hire for
commerce in union
in faith and interloped
disciplines this money
poem's the work
the most all of it
the worst.

Monday, December 10, 2012

12.10.12 three.

Translate me.

Je suis nouveau a cette chose.
C'est la seule chose
j'ai choisi
Je crois que
j'ai bien fait
pour cette journee.

Today's poem new, two.


Starting with today
I know everything
I need

I can't         quite
find myself
being patient
enough to             receive
in proper order.

Realizing this concerns
I think about what
I'm supposed to be.

But then I stop & see
that I'm doing everything
one person can do to
be complete & free.

New poem for the birthday of Henry Wilson Ramsey (and Emily Dickinson).

Starting on Today. Fade in -- for Emily. The shyness of one & another -- for Henry, the world's sweetest boy -- I did that, that one beautiful thing that became another & another & another. I know this as I breathe in & out & in and look about at the world & see it as good & lovely.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Unrhetorical three for november. I'm bigger than I want to be but smaller than I probably should... insignificance is as incomprehensible as significance. I'm still a poet & a perfect anagram kind of.